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Number 1-10 Tracing Worksheet

Number 1-10 Tracing Worksheet
Number 1-10 Tracing Worksheet
Number 1-10 Tracing Worksheet - Image 2
Number 1-10 Tracing Worksheet - Image 3
Number 1-10 Tracing Worksheet - Image 4
Number 1-10 Tracing Worksheet - Image 5
Number 1-10 Tracing Worksheet - Image 6
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Number tracing worksheets from 1 to 10 help preschoolers improve their writing skills and memorize numbers up to 10. The task is to trace numbers along the dotted line.

Print out number tracing worksheets for free on WUNDERKIDDY and invite your child to trace all the numbers. To make the task fun, you can do the following:

  • Print two copies of the tracing worksheets and do the exercise with your child at the same time. Then compare the results.
  • For each row of numbers written, praise your child and think of a special reward that will increase motivation to trace all the numbers.
  • Trace the numbers using different materials, for example, sand or modelling clay.
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beate jansone
Good material.
really good woeksheets to learn the numbers and how to write
Bea Oliveira
Y Park
great for number holic kid
Drosia Arampatzi
Perfect way to practice writing while tracing the lines!
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