
Animal Worksheets for Preschool

Animal Worksheets for Preschool
Animal Worksheets for Preschool
Animal Worksheets for Preschool - Image 2
Animal Worksheets for Preschool - Image 3
Animal Worksheets for Preschool - Image 4
Animal Worksheets for Preschool - Image 5
Animal Worksheets for Preschool - Image 6
Animal Worksheets for Preschool - Image 7
Animal Worksheets for Preschool - Image 8
Animal Worksheets for Preschool - Image 9
Animal Worksheets for Preschool - Image 10

Animal worksheets are designed for preschoolers to develop essential skills of children in preschool age: logical thinking, fine motor skills, memory, attention, etc. Children are invited to complete interesting, colorful tasks. The worksheets are suitable for both individual and group preschool writing and counting activities in kindergarten or at home.

In the free printable set there are 9 worksheets with different tasks for children ages 2-5:

  1. Match by Shadow. Match the animal to its shadow on the page and connect the objects in the left and right columns.
  2. Recognize an animal. Toddlers are asked to look closely at the pictures and match them to the photos of animals.
  3. Whose Paw. Children are asked to identify the paw of each animal based on features of the animal's appearance.
  4. Count to 5. The child's task is to count the number of animals on the cards and choose the correct answer from the 4 suggested.
  5. Match the Outline. The task is to match colored pictures of animals with their outlines and then connect the correct pairs with a line.
  6. Color Recognition. The object is to match the animals with their colored spots and connect the pairs.
  7. Tracing. The task is to trace the animals, trying not to go outside the outline.
  8. Hand-eye coordination. A handwriting practice worksheet asks preschoolers to outline and then color a picture of a lion.
  9. Who's coloration. Kids are asked to name the animals in the left column and find the matching coat pattern in the right column. If your child can write, ask him or her to write a few sentences to describe the animal.
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David Fch
Très joli exercices.
J'adore les images utilisées
Really nyc
Md.Sazzad Hossain
Very helpful. Nice
Ranti Masdoipah
Thanks a lot
Agnieszka Tarcz
Dużo aktywności związanych ze zwierzętami
Malika Ouhraichou
Patricia Alexandra
Atividade super completa! trabalha desde os grafismos, nomeação e identificação de animais (em desenho e imagem real) , números e quantidade
Laurence LONCKE
Merci ces fichiers sont géniaux
Júlia Majerčíková
Super, very digestedly.