
Pencil Color Sorting Worksheet

Pencil Color Sorting Worksheet
Pencil Color Sorting Worksheet
Pencil Color Sorting Worksheet - Image 2
Pencil Color Sorting Worksheet - Image 3
Pencil Color Sorting Worksheet - Image 4

Educational color sort game is meant to help children learn colors, group objects into groups according to the common feature and develop kids attention and color perception. The task is to sort items by color.

Print out the Velcro game for children ages 2 and up, then cut out all the round cards. Then ask your child to choose a card, name what is on it, and find a crayon of the same color. At the end of the game, check the result. The color of all three items placed on the crayon must have the same color as the crayon.

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To jest wspaniała pomoc do nazywania i utrwalania kolorów, ale również może być wykorzystana na wiele innych sposobów. Super. Dziękuję
Agnieszka Chojke
Irene Aldaz Acin
Manaz Hamada
So nice
Mel Mac
Muy muy bueno
So cute pencils
Nice worksheet
Маша Заблоцька
Beisy Moreno
Very good work, I really like the designs
lgrisc s
Estamos trabajando el reconocimiento de los colores y está es una gran forma de hacerlo